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About Us

About Market Now

Market Now Pakistan no.1 online wholesale b2b market that provides the best business services in free for all over the world. We deal the all over Pakistan wholesale dealer’s in free. You can add your own products ad and sell it in all over Pakistan. Million’s people visited our site on daily bases to buy online wholesale products in covid-19. You can add your own contact number, email as well as physical location for your customer contact.

Why Market Now?
Due to latest technology and covid-19 online business growth rate increase day by day. In Pakistan online shopping growth rate increase .Many people visit online websites to buy, electronic, mobiles, animals, home products and many more.
That’s why Market Now is the best option for that has 100% product selling rate and best for use. Just you login create your own account, choose the user friendly title (Product name), Description (your product specification or functions) , Select Categories, add location, email as well as contact no# and publish your ad’s.

How to Buy Product on Market Now.
It’s very simple to buy product on market now. Just visit, Go to search bar, Search required product, select categories and location. The required product on your door step.
If you have any query about our services. Our customer care services team always avaible 24/7.

Why choose us

Due to latest technology and covid-19 online business growth rate increase day by day. In Pakistan online shopping growth rate increase .Many people visit online websites to buy, electronic, mobiles, animals, home products and many more. That’s why Market Now is the best option for that has 100% product selling rate and best for use. Just you login create your own account, choose the user friendly title (Product name), Description (your product specification or functions) , Select Categories, add location, email as well as contact no# and publish your ad’s.

Our mission

Our mission is to convert Pakistan physical wholesale business into online wholesale business. Make Money Make Pakistan Strong

How to Buy Product on Market Now.

It’s very simple to buy product on market now. Just visit, Go to search bar, Search required product, select categories and location. The required product on your door step.


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